NCP runs car parks across the UK. Having been bought out by a private equity firm Cinven, its finance director wanted to maximise its potential in procurement. Our brief was to reduce costs, improve service and quality from suppliers and strengthen procurement process and controls.
We spent several weeks conducting a diagnostic analysis before submitting our findings as a full report. On the back of this we developed a procurement improvement programme.
Our approach is to work hard alongside managers and help them develop the necessary skills themselves. We implemented the improvements via three core workstreams, Direct, Indirect & Process.
There were some great success stories. Within three months, we had cut the price of ticket supplies by 40% pa and achieved a retrospective rebate; we also improved service levels considerably. The cost of parking equipment, such as barriers and networked computers, was cut by 20% pa, just six months after the start of the programme. In other categories, such as uniforms, signs and maintenance, costs were substantially reduced too. On the company’s car fleet, we cut costs by 10% pa and improved service significantly.
Alongside these savings, we worked closely with NCP to introduce new measures to improve efficiency and control in their ongoing procurement processes.
“I have used the company before and since. We saved more than £2.6m in the 1st year with ongoing savings of £2.3m pa, JMCL’s results speak for themselves.” Paul Gilbert, Finance Director “JMCL’s expertise and support was exceptional, we achieved an enormous amount.” Charlotte Walker, Chief Accountant, NCP Jonathan and his procurement team demonstrated expert knowledge across many different areas of our business, and with JMCL’s assistance significant cash savings were achieved and contract risks reduced. In addition there was a focus on skill transfer to our staff as part of the process to allow the business to adopt best practice in future. In specialist areas, for example car fleet negotiations, I would always use JMCL so as to ensure the best deal was struck for all parties.” Rob Harris, Group Financial Controller
“I have used the company before and since. We saved more than £2.6m in the 1st year with ongoing savings of £2.3m pa, JMCL’s results speak for themselves.”
Paul Gilbert, Finance Director
“JMCL’s expertise and support was exceptional, we achieved an enormous amount.”
Charlotte Walker, Chief Accountant, NCP
Jonathan and his procurement team demonstrated expert knowledge across many different areas of our business, and with JMCL’s assistance significant cash savings were achieved and contract risks reduced. In addition there was a focus on skill transfer to our staff as part of the process to allow the business to adopt best practice in future. In specialist areas, for example car fleet negotiations, I would always use JMCL so as to ensure the best deal was struck for all parties.”
Rob Harris, Group Financial Controller